best foods to eat to lose weight in the summer

7 Foods to Help You Lose Weight for that Summer Outfit

Workout they said, run they said, eat less they said, drink more water they said … well, you get the point! We’ve all heard these quoted to us a few times in our weight loss journey or journey to better health (and I’m sure with good intentions). As important as all these things are, if we aren’t eating the RIGHT foods, we aren’t doing ourselves any justice…and (don’t ask my family because they would for sure tell you) I have tried them ALL! All the things! All the diets and fads, yep, all of them!

I have come to learn that without the right foods, our bodies can’t reach our true potential. This is true when looking at mood, focus, energy AND weight loss. So today is your lucky day. 😊 Let’s find out the top 7 foods you should be eating when trying to lose weight (or just be all around healthier).

Why workouts just WON’T cut it when it comes to losing weight

Yeah, yeah, I know. Working out is all we see and hear about on social media and Youtube these days when we hear other’s success stories, but if those people are brutally honest with themselves (and you) they also chose a healthier way of eating and fueling their body during their journey. Have you ever heard the term “You are what you eat”? There’s definitely some truth behind that.

I’m sure you have also heard that weight loss is “80% diet and 20% exercise”. Although there is evidence of that being true, the percentages aren’t as important as the fact that your diet has a great impact on weight loss and overall health. This interesting post at Verywell Fit puts it nicely when they say “nutrition is clearly the winner in physique improvement opportunities”.

Remember too, that nutrition doesn’t only play a part in your physique and weight loss, it helps in so many more areas like:

  • Curbing cravings for salty and sweet snacks
  • Keeping you fuller, longer
  • Boost immune system
  • Increase energy levels
  • Lessen risk of disease
  • Increase well-being and mental health

Importance of Nutrient Dense Foods

A good way to think of nutrient dense foods is remembering that you’re getting more ‘bang for your buck’. They are packed with more vitamins, minerals, fiber, (and for you macro counters) more protein, healthy fats and slow-digesting carbs. All of these things actually help your body better absorb and use the energy, so you can feel better and lose weight at the same time!

I remember a several years back when I was just getting into the nutrition side of things and starting to understand and focus on nutrient dense options, I would always have this thought jump out at me “Wait a minute! You workout really hard every day, let’s just eat that ice cream/cake/pizza/cheeseburger! It won’t hurt anything, it’ll just make the workout worth it!” (Devil…that was the Devil right there!) In the end, it always hurt .. I could always tell a difference in my energy levels and workout recovery. Food matters, y’all!

Here are a few to try to incorporate as your looking at your journey and your diet changes:

7 Nutrient Dense Foods to Help You Lose Weight

flat lay photography of raw salmon fish

Food Idea #1 – Salmon

  • Rich in omega-3 fats (anti-inflammatories helping your body to burn fats better)
  • High in healthy proteins to build and repair those muscles
  • High in B vitamins (HELLO ENERGY!)
  • Good source of Potassium (even more than bananas) – this helps reduce water weight and fluid retention
  • Great source of the mineral Selenium, which helps bone health and thyroid health (FYI – your Thyroid is responsible for those pesky weight loss and weight gain hormones, so it’s super important to regulate this)
  • So versatile in recipes and extremely easy to cook!

Food Idea #2 – Avocado

  • Rich in healthy fats, which again HELP your body burn fats better (especially that ANNOYING belly fat)
  • Appetite suppressant (probably from the fat and fiber combo)
  • Good source of Potassium
  • Great source of Fiber (keeps you fuller, longer)
  • Gives us a reason to eat more guacamole! 😊 Oh, that’s just me?!

Food Idea #3 – Spinach & Kale

  • Low calories
  • Tons of fiber
  • Natural detoxifier (helps body get rid of bad things holding that weight on)
  • Great source of minerals (iron, calcium and magnesium) that help nervous system and muscles work properly
black berries on brown wooden chopping board

Food Idea #4 – Blueberries

  • FULL of fiber
  • Good source of potassium
  • Low calorie
  • High in vitamin C
  • High in water content
  • Good source of vitamins and minerals for bone health

Food Idea #5 – Eggs

  • Great source of protein
  • Low calorie
  • One of the BEST sources of Choline – this helps metabolism and nerve function
  • Good source of Vitamin D – good for bone health, immunity and hormone regulation that gets rid of belly fat
  • Good source of healthy fats
  • Loaded with iodine and selenium – again, both good for regulating the thyroid and those hormones that control our weight gain
  • **Bonus** – One of the top pregnancy foods to keep you and sweet baby healthy
fried food on white ceramic plate

Food Idea #6 – Matcha

  • Super rich in EGCG – compound that is shown to stop growth of unhealthy fat cells (particularly around the belly)
  • Good source of catechins that speed up metabolism and produce a thermogenesis (fat-burning) state
  • Aids in detoxifying process and rids body of things that could be holding that weight in
  • Boosts energy levels (probably from the small amounts of caffeine)
  • OK, OK, maybe it’s not a FOOD idea, but it is one of the best things to have for health, longevity and weight loss (check out more here)

Food Idea #7 – Sweet Potatoes

  • LOADED in fiber
  • Surprisingly not too high in calories
  • High water content
  • Full of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) that help body function and recover properly
  • High in antioxidants that can help fight inflammation in the body – another culprit that has been preventing your weight loss
vegetable and meat on bowl

Final Thoughts

There are a ton of “superfoods” being thrown at you every day, most of which are useful for your body and can help with the weight loss process. These are just my favorite 7 and the top foods that I have seen make the biggest impact in my overall health, energy and weight. The most important reminder is to just find foods that you enjoy, but are NUTRIENT DENSE and will supply your brain and body with the things it needs to put you at peak performance and help you meet your weight goals.

Don’t forget to grab your weekly meal planner and recipe cards here! Be sure and visit our Facebook page to let us know how your journey is going!

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