She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks” Proverbs 31:17 (NIV)

Top 5 Kettlebell Workouts to go from Mom-Bod to Beach-Bod

So, I get to the gym after a long day at work, wanting to relieve some stress and get a good workout in at the same time. But wouldn’t you know it, every other gym rat was thinking the same thing and I have no real space or equipment to workout with. Since I don’t want to wait but would feel even WORSE going straight home without a workout, I look around and what do I find just sitting there calling my name?! You guessed it! Kettlebells!!

Although they’ve not been my first choice of equipment for a good hard workout, I’ve learned over the past few months that I had been missing out on a GREAT tool for weight loss, cardio and toning these buns! (Ladies, do I have your attention now?)

Benefits of Kettlebell Workouts


Kettlebells are a great way to spice up your fitness routines, whether they be cardio or strength training. They are one of the most versatile pieces of equipment because they are great for home or gym workouts, surprisingly well at activating multiple muscle groups, and like your HIIT routines they are amazing at targeting both strength and cardio in one quick workout! (Yes, for you busy Mama – I said quick!)


Kettlebell exercises are actually pretty functional too, in that they mimic your everyday movements. This is one of the reasons I have continued these types of workouts because to me they are more “real-life” movements and exercises than your typical Olympic lifts or gym workouts. Not going to try and lie to you either, after 2 pregnancies back-to-back it’s a bit harder for me to maintain the stability and balance. And these kettlebell workouts have helped me see improvements in this area too!

For those heavy weightlifters and gym rats like me, I have also been reminded lately that like Arnold Schwarzenegger says, “The muscle doesn’t see what you’re holding in your hands.” So join me below to see a few of my favorite full-body, fat-blasting kettlebell workouts that will help you get your beach body just in time for summer!

5 Best Kettlebell Workouts

two green and purple kettle bells

Workout #1 (3 Rounds)

  • Squat to Press X 12
  • Renegade Row X 8
  • Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift X 10 each leg
  • Kettlebell Swings X 15

Workout #2 (3 Rounds)

  • Overhead Squat X 12
  • High Pull X 10
  • Lunge X 10 each leg
  • Russian Twist X 15

Workout #3 (3 Rounds)

  • Goblet Squat X 15
  • Single-Arm Row X 12 each arm
  • Hip Thruster X 15
  • Halo X 12

Workout #4 (3 Rounds)

  • Deadlift X 15
  • Single-Arm Swing X 10 each arm
  • Kettlebell Swings X 15
  • Single-Arm Press X 10 each arm

Workout #5 (3 Rounds)

  • Squat to High-Pull X 12
  • Renegade Row X 12 each arm
  • Lunge to Press X 12 each leg
  • Russian Twist X 15
woman in white spaghetti strap top standing on the seashore

Final Thoughts

Kettlebell workouts are proven to be highly effective and are so versatile we can use them at home or the gym! Sometimes women are afraid of “bulking up” like the guys (not truly a “thing”), so kettlebells are a nice way to find that happy-medium for us to get both the strength and toning we want for those beach bodies, as well as the cardio to shred that fat with it!

Just a few tips from my recent experience with these workouts:
  • Make sure to pick the correct kettlebell weight (I like to go a little heavier for legs and lower body to make sure and get that extra burn)
  • KEEP CORRECT FORM FOR EACH MOVEMENT – Please ladies!!!! Form is one of the MOST important things to focus on when doing any type of workout. It helps prevent injuries and ensures we are using the correct muscles.
  • Breath, Breath, Breath – Also another important tip. Just a fun fact to help you remember to breath during exercise – oxygen (deep breathing) helps the body burn and use fat better – BURN, BABY BURN!
  • Consistency is key in any routine. Be sure to get on the right schedule for your body and your other daily routines.
  • Rest! I know – I hate that word too. A lot of times I feel like if I just rest and don’t actually workout that I am losing my momentum or sabotaging all the hard work I JUST DID the day before. Thankfully, this is so not true. Rest is another important factor in making sure our muscles and bodies can recover correctly and continue to grow and work properly!
person holding white liquid filled cup above two pairs of dumbbells

Okay – go get your kettlebell and get your swings on! 😊 Yeah, right now while the motivation and intention are brewing inside of you! If you’d like a PDF / printable version of these workouts and the exact moves, be sure to click below to get your copy. Remember – out of sight, out of mind. Print yours out and make sure it stays in front of you everyday to keep that motivation. BEACH body, here we come!

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