Hi everyone, I am so glad you are here! My name is Sarah and I am the owner of Faithfully Fit & Fabulous. My hope and prayer for our new studio is that we can learn and grow together to become more faithful and fit in our lives as Christian women and mothers in this crazy and busy world!
Who am I?
Glad you asked! I am a wife and a mother to the two sweetest little boys, also expecting our first little girl in June! I am a daughter, sister, and friend to some of the most amazing people! I am a Child of God and follower of my friend Jesus! I am a tea lover, coffee drinker, health and fitness fanatic, and essential oil user! I love spending time with my family, taking long walks outdoors, reading a good book when I can, and I can’t wait to meet you!

My passion has always been loving others and helping others learn why and how to become the healthiest and happiest they can be. I believe that God has blessed us with our bodies and our lives for a reason and if we want to fulfill His purpose for them, we need to take care of them and live them to the best of our ability. My hope is that through Faithfully Fit & Fabulous, I can take my passion and fulfill my purpose on a much greater level by helping you and others like you learn to become healthier, happier, and more joyful like our friend Jesus!