best essential oils for your mind and mental health

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“There’s an oil for that!” Oh, yes. This phrase is becoming more and more popular today – and for a good reason! There are many places in scripture where God plainly tells us that plants, and the essential oils that come from plants, were made for food and medicine. One of my favorite examples of this is in Ezekiel  47:12 when He tells us that all kinds of trees will grow, their fruits will be for food and their leaves for medicine.

Why Essential Oils?

There have also been several studies that reveal the great healing power of essential oils, if you need that evidence. In a particular study I read about, they “concluded that fragrances directly and/or indirectly affect the psychological and physiological conditions of humans.” I love it. This example, and others like it, brings joy to my soul!

I absolutely LOVE when science proves the Word of God right because it shows the great power He has to reveal the blessings and gifts that have been freely given to us. This particular study also amazes me because it’s a great example of how our God created us in His image. It describes how every little intricate and integral detail of our bodies work separate and together as a whole at the very same time, as it talks about the connections between our olfactory system (sense of smell) and our brain chemistry.

Essential Oils 101

Ahh, yes! Essential oils are aromatic, highly concentrated plant extracts that are carefully obtained through steam distillation, cold pressing, or resin tapping. Essential oils are more powerful than dried herbs and they contain many constituent compounds (things in the plant that makes them good for you). There are three main types of usage for the oils, which are aromatic, topical and internal. For today’s topic, we will just be talking about the aromatic use of essential oils and the top 5 we should be using for our minds! Here we go!

white and red plastic bottle cap lot


Rosemary is part of the mint family and is known for its invigorating and purifying capabilities. It’s primary constituent is 1,8-Cineole (also known as Eucalyptol), making up about 40-55% of the oil. This compound has been found to increase the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, in our brain, which has been said to enhance memory and alertness, and improve our speed and accuracy of visual processing tasks. Now I’m not sure about you, but I will take all of the memory and alertness enhancement I can get in today’s overwhelmingly distracting world.


This one is also part of the mint family and is known for its renewing properties. It usually stays pretty close by my side most days because it works so well in taming my mental fatigue. Its main constituents are Linalyl Acetate and Linalol, making up about 60-80% of the oil. These compounds have been found to reduce inflammation and work as an antioxidant for the brain, which is probably the reason it works so well at reducing those mental blocks and “afternoon brick walls”, if you will.

white flower on brown wooden table


Like Rosemary and Clary Sage, Peppermint belongs to the mint family. It’s an absolute favorite in our household because of its purifying and stimulating scent and nature. Menthol is the main constituent in this oil, which is another antioxidant for us. If you’re looking for improved concentration and mental accuracy, Peppermint is the way to go!

Clary Sage

I hope you’re noticing the trend we are seeing here with the great properties of the mint plant family! Clary Sage belongs to the mint family too!  One of my favorite essential oils, (for many reasons) Clary Sage is another anti-inflammatory that can enhance our immune system. This plant has historically been known for clearing eyes and brightening vision, as well as enhancing one’s ability to dream. This one is a top favorite during my creative and meditating time. Also great for labor and delivery!


Last, but certainly not least, we come to our final must have essential oil for the mind-Lemon! Lemon essential oil comes from the rind of the lemon and its main constituent is Limonene. Limonene and Lemon essential oil are great for stimulating the mind, improving memory, promoting clarity and clear thoughts, and is even used as a mood enhancer.

I have been at both ends depending on the day, and I can truthfully say that it is much easier to concentrate, feel motivated to work, and recall things when I am feeling in an uplifted mood. Perhaps this is one of the biggest reasons that Lemon and other citrus oils are so good for our minds and mental health!

Final Thoughts

If you want to read about some of the many good examples of oils being used in scripture, be sure to check out  Isaiah, Exodus, and Song of Solomon. As you’re learning the healing power of essential oils and their positive impact on our minds, remember also that the apostle Paul reminds us in Ephesians 2 that we are Christ’s workmanship, created to do good works that God has already prepared for us.

In order to reach your full potential for Christ’s work and to live your life to the best of your ability, it is imperative that you take care of your minds. In what better way could you work to do that, than by using the blessing of pure essential oils?! There are certainly more out there that can be beneficial on some level for your mind, but we’ve reviewed the top 5 here.

Now that you have this information, I will leave you with this quote from an article I recently read. “Aromatherapy regulates the physiological, spiritual, and psychological upliftment for the new phase of life.” It’s your turn now, to go and begin your new phase of life, with a strong and positive mind!

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